---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- WARNING: coremods are present: AdvancedRocketryPlugin (AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-1.2.3.jar) Multi-Hotbar Coremod (multihotbar-1.12.2-3.2-build-T96.jar) Inventory Tweaks Coremod (InventoryTweaks-1.63+beta.108.jar) ForgelinPlugin (Forgelin-1.5.1.jar) IELoadingPlugin (ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-74-core.jar) DynamicSurroundingsCore (DynamicSurroundings-1.12- CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12- TANLoadingPlugin (ToughAsNails-1.12- LoadingPlugin (AdChimneys-1.12.1- DummyPlugin (ForgeEndertech-1.12.1- Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge // On the bright side, I bought you a teddy bear! Time: 10/30/17 11:56 AM Description: Unexpected error java.lang.NullPointerException: Unexpected error at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.setVolume(SoundSystem.java:980) at ic2.core.audio.AudioSourceClient.updateVolume(AudioSourceClient.java:263) at ic2.core.audio.AudioManagerClient.onTick(AudioManagerClient.java:255) at ic2.core.TickHandler.onClientTick(TickHandler.java:85) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_511_TickHandler_onClientTick_ClientTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:90) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:179) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreClientTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:342) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1706) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:1096) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:397) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Head -- Thread: Client thread Stacktrace: at paulscode.sound.SoundSystem.setVolume(SoundSystem.java:980) at ic2.core.audio.AudioSourceClient.updateVolume(AudioSourceClient.java:263) at ic2.core.audio.AudioManagerClient.onTick(AudioManagerClient.java:255) at ic2.core.TickHandler.onClientTick(TickHandler.java:85) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler_511_TickHandler_onClientTick_ClientTickEvent.invoke(.dynamic) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.ASMEventHandler.invoke(ASMEventHandler.java:90) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventBus.post(EventBus.java:179) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPreClientTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:342) -- Affected level -- Details: Level name: MpServer All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerSP['maxoupixouwow'/16204, l='MpServer', x=-152.83, y=81.00, z=-469.46]] Chunk stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 441, 441 Level seed: 0 Level generator: ID 06 - BIOMESOP, ver 0. Features enabled: false Level generator options: Level spawn location: World: (152,64,202), Chunk: (at 8,4,10 in 9,12; contains blocks 144,0,192 to 159,255,207), Region: (0,0; contains chunks 0,0 to 31,31, blocks 0,0,0 to 511,255,511) Level time: 80494639 game time, 14616041 day time Level dimension: 0 Level storage version: 0x00000 - Unknown? Level weather: Rain time: 0 (now: true), thunder time: 0 (now: false) Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false Forced entities: 142 total; [EntityZombie['Zombie'/17158, l='MpServer', x=-91.50, y=30.00, z=-519.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/17159, l='MpServer', x=-90.50, y=30.00, z=-517.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/17160, l='MpServer', x=-154.47, y=40.00, z=-462.17], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16401, l='MpServer', x=-148.64, y=83.00, z=-535.39], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16402, l='MpServer', x=-155.22, y=83.00, z=-531.54], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16403, l='MpServer', x=-159.73, y=83.00, z=-533.16], EntityBat['Bat'/16663, l='MpServer', x=-206.26, y=17.84, z=-516.42], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16409, l='MpServer', x=-144.70, y=108.00, z=-488.74], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16410, l='MpServer', x=-128.11, y=114.00, z=-480.62], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/16922, l='MpServer', x=-202.50, y=26.00, z=-416.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16411, l='MpServer', x=-127.78, y=114.00, z=-478.72], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16413, l='MpServer', x=-145.49, y=20.00, z=-462.19], EntityPig['Pig'/16414, l='MpServer', x=-163.27, y=69.00, z=-439.52], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/16929, l='MpServer', x=-224.50, y=16.00, z=-459.50], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/16930, l='MpServer', x=-223.50, y=16.00, z=-461.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/16931, l='MpServer', x=-223.50, y=16.00, z=-461.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/16932, l='MpServer', x=-223.50, y=16.00, z=-458.50], EntitySquid['Squid'/16422, l='MpServer', x=-213.60, y=59.62, z=-470.60], EntitySquid['Squid'/16423, l='MpServer', x=-205.98, y=57.37, z=-470.25], EntitySquid['Squid'/16424, l='MpServer', x=-214.64, y=57.37, z=-465.87], EntitySquid['Squid'/16425, l='MpServer', x=-198.18, y=56.79, z=-480.86], EntitySquid['Squid'/16426, l='MpServer', x=-201.15, y=60.27, z=-486.31], EntityZombie['Zombie'/17194, l='MpServer', x=-115.50, y=74.00, z=-511.50], EntitySquid['Squid'/16427, l='MpServer', x=-194.40, y=59.69, z=-482.65], EntitySquid['Squid'/16428, l='MpServer', x=-194.40, y=60.25, z=-488.60], EntityZombie['Zombie'/17196, l='MpServer', x=-118.50, y=74.00, z=-511.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16429, l='MpServer', x=-124.15, y=106.00, z=-490.38], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16430, l='MpServer', x=-112.55, y=79.00, z=-466.55], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16431, l='MpServer', x=-112.41, y=79.00, z=-464.99], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16432, l='MpServer', x=-142.23, y=108.00, z=-463.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16433, l='MpServer', x=-133.52, y=112.00, z=-439.20], EntityPig['Pig'/16437, l='MpServer', x=-121.57, y=82.00, z=-544.15], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16438, l='MpServer', x=-139.50, y=38.06, z=-412.50], EntityCow['Cow'/16439, l='MpServer', x=-136.42, y=69.00, z=-409.79], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16440, l='MpServer', x=-113.75, y=79.00, z=-463.55], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16441, l='MpServer', x=-115.55, y=79.00, z=-461.56], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16442, l='MpServer', x=-114.31, y=79.00, z=-461.17], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16443, l='MpServer', x=-114.10, y=79.00, z=-460.08], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16444, l='MpServer', x=-115.55, y=79.00, z=-460.35], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16445, l='MpServer', x=-112.92, y=79.00, z=-460.81], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16446, l='MpServer', x=-121.23, y=102.00, z=-457.51], EntityChicken['Chicken'/16448, l='MpServer', x=-143.89, y=68.00, z=-389.35], EntityChicken['Chicken'/16449, l='MpServer', x=-124.50, y=72.00, z=-394.80], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16455, l='MpServer', x=-172.50, y=38.00, z=-411.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/16456, l='MpServer', x=-174.70, y=38.00, z=-416.30], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/16457, l='MpServer', x=-173.93, y=38.00, z=-416.70], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/16458, l='MpServer', x=-171.50, y=38.00, z=-412.50], EntityBat['Bat'/16716, l='MpServer', x=-81.58, y=40.32, z=-502.24], EntityPlayerSP['maxoupixouwow'/16204, l='MpServer', x=-152.83, y=81.00, z=-469.46], EntityCitizen['Daniel X. Fletcher'/16205, l='MpServer', x=-234.50, y=68.00, z=-384.51], EntityBat['Bat'/16717, l='MpServer', x=-80.26, y=39.46, z=-503.68], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16206, l='MpServer', x=-153.50, y=18.00, z=-463.78], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16207, l='MpServer', x=-159.50, y=19.00, z=-475.19], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16722, l='MpServer', x=-106.25, y=52.00, z=-492.54], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16723, l='MpServer', x=-105.50, y=53.00, z=-498.50], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/16724, l='MpServer', x=-108.50, y=53.00, z=-494.50], EntityCow['Cow'/16471, l='MpServer', x=-106.19, y=72.00, z=-545.54], EntityCow['Cow'/16472, l='MpServer', x=-111.21, y=79.00, z=-475.47], EntityCow['Cow'/16473, l='MpServer', x=-108.31, y=79.00, z=-478.50], EntityCow['Cow'/16474, l='MpServer', x=-103.17, y=79.00, z=-474.08], EntityCow['Cow'/16475, l='MpServer', x=-102.08, y=79.00, z=-476.40], EntityCow['Cow'/16476, l='MpServer', x=-105.10, y=79.00, z=-475.13], EntityCow['Cow'/16477, l='MpServer', x=-107.41, y=79.00, z=-473.52], EntityCow['Cow'/16478, l='MpServer', x=-102.08, y=79.00, z=-473.08], EntityCow['Cow'/16479, l='MpServer', x=-105.16, y=79.00, z=-474.11], EntityCow['Cow'/16480, l='MpServer', x=-105.21, y=79.00, z=-473.10], EntityCow['Cow'/16481, l='MpServer', x=-104.08, y=79.00, z=-471.08], EntityCow['Cow'/16482, l='MpServer', x=-106.69, y=79.00, z=-472.07], EntityCow['Cow'/16483, l='MpServer', x=-103.08, y=79.00, z=-472.08], EntityCow['Cow'/16484, l='MpServer', x=-109.30, y=79.00, z=-477.50], EntityCow['Cow'/16485, l='MpServer', x=-105.22, y=79.00, z=-471.92], EntityCow['Cow'/16486, l='MpServer', x=-106.39, y=79.00, z=-470.75], EntityCow['Cow'/16487, l='MpServer', x=-103.03, y=79.00, z=-475.88], EntityCow['Cow'/16488, l='MpServer', x=-103.22, y=79.00, z=-473.17], EntityCow['Cow'/16489, l='MpServer', x=-103.21, y=79.00, z=-476.93], EntityCow['Cow'/16490, l='MpServer', x=-108.31, y=79.00, z=-477.56], EntityCow['Cow'/16491, l='MpServer', x=-110.71, y=79.00, z=-477.52], EntityCow['Cow'/16492, l='MpServer', x=-107.55, y=79.00, z=-471.08], EntityCow['Cow'/16493, l='MpServer', x=-107.61, y=79.00, z=-472.45], EntityCow['Cow'/16494, l='MpServer', x=-107.22, y=79.00, z=-475.41], EntityCow['Cow'/16495, l='MpServer', x=-111.55, y=79.00, z=-476.60], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/17263, l='MpServer', x=-220.50, y=35.00, z=-426.50], EntityCow['Cow'/16496, l='MpServer', x=-102.08, y=79.00, z=-474.40], EntityCow['Cow'/16497, l='MpServer', x=-102.08, y=79.00, z=-477.93], EntityBat['Bat'/17009, l='MpServer', x=-179.31, y=42.09, z=-414.26], EntityCow['Cow'/16498, l='MpServer', x=-102.08, y=79.00, z=-475.47], EntityCow['Cow'/16499, l='MpServer', x=-104.24, y=79.00, z=-473.73], EntityCow['Cow'/16500, l='MpServer', x=-103.55, y=79.00, z=-477.93], EntityCow['Cow'/16501, l='MpServer', x=-104.26, y=79.00, z=-472.77], EntityCow['Cow'/16502, l='MpServer', x=-104.99, y=79.00, z=-477.55], EntityCow['Cow'/16503, l='MpServer', x=-106.71, y=79.00, z=-478.04], EntityCow['Cow'/16504, l='MpServer', x=-105.49, y=80.00, z=-479.16], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16505, l='MpServer', x=-109.53, y=79.00, z=-463.89], EntityPig['Pig'/16506, l='MpServer', x=-111.69, y=79.00, z=-453.49], EntityBat['Bat'/16762, l='MpServer', x=-197.74, y=37.00, z=-427.42], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/16507, l='MpServer', x=-106.21, y=60.00, z=-434.45], EntityBat['Bat'/16763, l='MpServer', x=-200.25, y=39.10, z=-415.25], EntityCow['Cow'/16508, l='MpServer', x=-98.83, y=79.00, z=-433.30], EntityBat['Bat'/16764, l='MpServer', x=-199.51, y=38.10, z=-421.88], EntityCow['Cow'/16509, l='MpServer', x=-90.50, y=75.00, z=-513.80], EntityChicken['Chicken'/16510, l='MpServer', x=-106.52, y=78.00, z=-396.81], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16517, l='MpServer', x=-171.50, y=25.00, z=-487.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16518, l='MpServer', x=-171.50, y=25.00, z=-486.50], EntityBat['Bat'/17044, l='MpServer', x=-84.24, y=60.40, z=-519.43], EntityBat['Bat'/17045, l='MpServer', x=-76.31, y=63.27, z=-524.02], EntityBat['Bat'/17046, l='MpServer', x=-96.98, y=54.06, z=-506.81], EntityBat['Bat'/17047, l='MpServer', x=-89.94, y=55.08, z=-518.97], EntityZombie['Zombie'/17048, l='MpServer', x=-92.50, y=37.00, z=-431.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/17049, l='MpServer', x=-94.50, y=37.00, z=-431.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/17050, l='MpServer', x=-93.50, y=37.00, z=-431.50], EntityChicken['Chicken'/16289, l='MpServer', x=-208.13, y=78.00, z=-528.62], EntityChicken['Chicken'/16290, l='MpServer', x=-222.14, y=77.00, z=-518.52], EntityItem['item.item.egg'/16291, l='MpServer', x=-217.13, y=78.00, z=-514.80], EntityChicken['Chicken'/16293, l='MpServer', x=-205.13, y=71.00, z=-510.46], EntityChicken['Chicken'/16294, l='MpServer', x=-215.88, y=72.00, z=-501.40], EntityBat['Bat'/16812, l='MpServer', x=-171.60, y=30.81, z=-424.55], EntityCow['Cow'/16558, l='MpServer', x=-82.55, y=72.00, z=-543.85], EntityCow['Cow'/16559, l='MpServer', x=-98.17, y=73.00, z=-533.51], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16306, l='MpServer', x=-195.50, y=32.06, z=-443.50], EntityCow['Cow'/16562, l='MpServer', x=-91.45, y=72.00, z=-407.45], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16307, l='MpServer', x=-192.50, y=37.06, z=-417.51], EntityCow['Cow'/16563, l='MpServer', x=-91.45, y=72.00, z=-407.45], EntityCow['Cow'/16565, l='MpServer', x=-93.52, y=75.00, z=-421.51], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16321, l='MpServer', x=-184.50, y=27.06, z=-423.49], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16322, l='MpServer', x=-180.12, y=27.00, z=-422.74], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/17090, l='MpServer', x=-114.50, y=40.00, z=-447.31], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16329, l='MpServer', x=-180.50, y=43.06, z=-414.89], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/17097, l='MpServer', x=-111.50, y=51.00, z=-405.50], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/17098, l='MpServer', x=-109.50, y=51.00, z=-401.50], EntityPig['Pig'/16331, l='MpServer', x=-182.81, y=67.00, z=-393.30], EntitySkeleton['Skeleton'/17106, l='MpServer', x=-109.69, y=61.00, z=-389.59], EntitySpider['Spider'/17108, l='MpServer', x=-192.50, y=37.00, z=-416.29], EntityCitizen['Cole V. Curzon'/226, l='MpServer', x=-227.09, y=69.00, z=-383.85], EntityCitizen['Abraham C. Child'/227, l='MpServer', x=-225.54, y=68.00, z=-374.50], EntityCitizen['Karen J. Atkinson'/228, l='MpServer', x=-227.70, y=69.00, z=-383.17], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16613, l='MpServer', x=-74.50, y=13.00, z=-449.50], EntityZombie['Zombie'/16614, l='MpServer', x=-79.50, y=13.00, z=-444.50], EntitySheep['Sheep'/16366, l='MpServer', x=-162.31, y=83.00, z=-514.23], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16367, l='MpServer', x=-174.49, y=31.00, z=-432.56], EntityMinecartChest['Minecart with Chest'/16368, l='MpServer', x=-161.51, y=32.00, z=-398.35], EntityWitch['Witch'/16380, l='MpServer', x=-209.50, y=37.00, z=-409.50], EntityCreeper['Creeper'/16381, l='MpServer', x=-209.50, y=37.00, z=-410.50]] Retry entities: 0 total; [] Server brand: fml,forge Server type: Non-integrated multiplayer server Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.client.multiplayer.WorldClient.func_72914_a(WorldClient.java:420) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71396_d(Minecraft.java:2748) at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:426) at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:123) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135) at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_25, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 1349114976 bytes (1286 MB) / 4333588480 bytes (4132 MB) up to 5261361152 bytes (5017 MB) JVM Flags: 6 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx5G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn1G IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 4, tallocated: 105 FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge 98 mods loaded, 98 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored | State | ID | Version | Source | Signature | |:------ |:------------------------ |:--------------------- |:----------------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------- | | UCHIJA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJA | FML | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 | | UCHIJA | forge | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 | | UCHIJA | advancedrocketrycore | 1 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJA | mercurius_updater | 1.0 | MercuriusUpdater-1.12.2.jar | None | | UCHIJA | forgeendertech | 1.12.1- | ForgeEndertech-1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJA | adchimneys | 1.12.1- | AdChimneys-1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJA | libvulpes | 0.2.6. | LibVulpes-1.12.2-0.2.6-universal.jar | None | | UCHIJA | advancedrocketry | 1.2.3. | AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-1.2.3.jar | None | | UCHIJA | akashictome | 1.2-10 | AkashicTome-1.2-10.jar | None | | UCHIJA | autoreglib | 1.3-14 | AutoRegLib-1.3-14.jar | None | | UCHIJA | baubles | 1.5.1 | Baubles-1.12-1.5.1.jar | None | | UCHIJA | bdlib | | bdlib- | None | | UCHIJA | betteragriculture | 1.2.1 | betteragriculture-1.12.2-1.2.1.jar | None | | UCHIJA | bibliocraft | 2.4.3 | BiblioCraft[v2.4.3][MC1.12.0].jar | None | | UCHIJA | biomesoplenty | | BiomesOPlenty-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | botania | r1.10-349 | Botania r1.10-349.jar | None | | UCHIJA | codechickenlib | | CodeChickenLib-1.12- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 | | UCHIJA | redstoneflux | 2.0.1 | RedstoneFlux-1.12- | d4f1503fbacd9b9fb767720420c5395104239ec9 | | UCHIJA | brandonscore | 2.3.2 | BrandonsCore-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | crafttweaker | 4.0.4 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.0.4.jar | None | | UCHIJA | car | 1.2.10 | car-1.2.10.jar | None | | UCHIJA | carryon | 1.6.1 | CarryOn MC1.12 v1.6.1.jar | None | | UCHIJA | cd4017be_lib | 6.0.0 | CD4017BE_lib-1.12.2-6.0.0.jar | None | | UCHIJA | chameleon | 1.12-4.1.3 | Chameleon-1.12-4.1.3.jar | None | | UCHIJA | chiselsandbits | 14.7 | chiselsandbits-14.7.jar | None | | UCHIJA | chococraft | | chococraft_1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJA | cofhcore | 4.3.6 | CoFHCore-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | cofhworld | 1.0.1 | CoFHWorld-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | cyclopscore | 0.10.21 | CyclopsCore-1.12-0.10.21.jar | None | | UCHIJA | colossalchests | 1.6.7 | ColossalChests-1.12-1.6.7.jar | None | | UCHIJA | ic2 | 2.8.27-ex112 | industrialcraft-2-2.8.27-ex112.jar | de041f9f6187debbc77034a344134053277aa3b0 | | UCHIJA | commoncapabilities | 1.4.0 | CommonCapabilities-1.12-1.4.0.jar | None | | UCHIJA | ctgui | 1.0.0 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.0.4.jar | None | | UCHIJA | jei | | jei_1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJA | crafttweakerjei | 2.0.0 | CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.0.4.jar | None | | UCHIJA | ctm | MC1.12- | CTM-MC1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | toughasnails | | ToughAsNails-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | forestry | | forestry_1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJA | eleccore | 1.8.430 | ElecCore-1.12-1.8.430.jar | None | | UCHIJA | deepresonance | 1.4.9 | deepresonance-1.12-1.4.9.jar | None | | UCHIJA | diamondglass | 1.12.2- | diamondglass-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJA | dooglamoocitiesmod | 1.6.3 | dooglamoocitiesmod-1.12-1.6.3.jar | None | | UCHIJA | draconicevolution | 2.3.3 | Draconic-Evolution-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | dsurround | | DynamicSurroundings-1.12- | 7a2128d395ad96ceb9d9030fbd41d035b435753a | | UCHIJA | presets | | DynamicSurroundings-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | embers | 0.221 | embers-0.221.jar | None | | UCHIJA | valkyrielib | 1.12-2.0.4b | valkyrielib-1.12.X-2.0.4b.jar | None | | UCHIJA | environmentaltech | 1.12.X-2.0.4a | environmentaltech-1.12.X-2.0.4a.jar | None | | UCHIJA | shadowmc | 3.8.0 | ShadowMC-1.12-3.8.0.jar | None | | UCHIJA | extrarails | 1.3.0 | ExtraRails-1.12-1.3.0.jar | None | | UCHIJA | mantle | 1.12- | Mantle-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | tconstruct | 1.12- | TConstruct-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | extrautils2 | 1.0 | extrautils2-1.12-1.6.4.jar | None | | UCHIJA | zerocore | 1.12- | zerocore-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | bigreactors | 1.12- | ExtremeReactors-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | forgelin | 1.5.1 | Forgelin-1.5.1.jar | None | | UCHIJA | gardenofglass | sqrt(-1) | GardenOfGlass.jar | None | | UCHIJA | gendustry | | gendustry- | None | | UCHIJA | thermalfoundation | 2.3.6 | ThermalFoundation-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | thermalexpansion | 5.3.6 | ThermalExpansion-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | advgenerators | | generators- | None | | UCHIJA | waila | 1.8.20 | Hwyla-1.8.20-B35_1.12.jar | None | | UCHIJA | immersiveengineering | 0.12-74 | ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-74.jar | 4cb49fcde3b43048c9889e0a3d083225da926334 | | UCHIJA | immersivepetroleum | 1.1.3 | immersivepetroleum-1.12-1.1.3.jar | None | | UCHIJA | immersiverailroading | 0.3.5 | ImmersiveRailroading-0.3.5.jar | None | | UCHIJA | indlog | 1.0.0 | InductiveLogistics-1.12.2-1.0.0.jar | None | | UCHIJA | industrialwires | 1.5-15 | IndustrialWires-1.5-15.jar | None | | UCHIJA | integrateddynamics | 0.9.3 | IntegratedDynamics-1.12-0.9.3.jar | None | | UCHIJA | integrateddynamicscompat | 1.0.0 | IntegratedDynamics-1.12-0.9.3.jar | None | | UCHIJA | inventorypets | | inventorypets-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | inventorytweaks | 1.63+beta.108.6ff67c4 | InventoryTweaks-1.63+beta.108.jar | 55d2cd4f5f0961410bf7b91ef6c6bf00a766dcbe | | UCHIJA | jeibees | | jeibees- | None | | UCHIJA | journeymap | 1.12.2-5.5.2b1 | journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2b1.jar | None | | UCHIJA | modelloader | 1.0.5 | modelloader-1.0.5.jar | None | | UCHIJA | magneticraft | 2.0.3 | Magneticraft_1.12-2.0.3.jar | None | | UCHIJA | minecolonies | 1.12.2-0.8.4422 | minecolonies-universal-1.12.2-0.8.4422.jar | None | | UCHIJA | multihotbar | 3.2 | multihotbar-1.12.2-3.2-build-T96.jar | None | | UCHIJA | nuclearcraft | 2.5a | NuclearCraft-2.5a--1.12.2.jar | None | | UCHIJA | owls | 1.0 | owls-1.12-1.0.jar | None | | UCHIJA | p455w0rdslib | 2.0.22 | p455w0rdslib-1.12-2.0.22.jar | None | | UCHIJA | harvestcraft | 1.12.2a | Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2a.jar | None | | UCHIJA | reborncore | | RebornCore-1.12.2- | 8727a3141c8ec7f173b87aa78b9b9807867c4e6b | | UCHIJA | redstonearsenal | 2.3.4 | RedstoneArsenal-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | rftools | 7.12 | rftools-1.12-7.12.jar | None | | UCHIJA | rftoolsdim | 5.04 | rftoolsdim-1.12-5.04.jar | None | | UCHIJA | stevescarts | ${version} | StevesCarts-1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJA | storagedrawers | 1.12-5.2.5 | StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.2.jar | None | | UCHIJA | techreborn | | TechReborn-1.12.2- | 8727a3141c8ec7f173b87aa78b9b9807867c4e6b | | UCHIJA | thermaldynamics | 2.3.6 | ThermalDynamics-1.12- | None | | UCHIJA | thutcore | 5.11.7 | thutcore-5.11.7.jar | None | | UCHIJA | thuttech | 6.0.7 | thuttech-6.0.7.jar | None | | UCHIJA | tombstone | 1.3.8 | tombstone-1.3.8.jar | None | | UCHIJA | tanaddons | 3.2.10 | ToughExpansion-1.12-3.2.10.jar | None | | UCHIJA | twilightforest | 3.3.202 | twilightforest-1.12.2-3.3.202-universal.jar | None | | UCHIJA | wailaharvestability | 1.1.11 | WailaHarvestability-mc1.12-1.1.11.jar | None | | UCHIJA | wawla | 2.5.245 | Wawla-1.12.2-2.5.245.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 | Loaded coremods (and transformers): AdvancedRocketryPlugin (AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-1.2.3.jar) zmaster587.advancedRocketry.asm.ClassTransformer Multi-Hotbar Coremod (multihotbar-1.12.2-3.2-build-T96.jar) com.rolandoislas.multihotbar.asm.ClassTransformerInventoryPlayer Inventory Tweaks Coremod (InventoryTweaks-1.63+beta.108.jar) invtweaks.forge.asm.ContainerTransformer ForgelinPlugin (Forgelin-1.5.1.jar) IELoadingPlugin (ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-74-core.jar) blusunrize.immersiveengineering.common.asm.IEClassTransformer DynamicSurroundingsCore (DynamicSurroundings-1.12- org.blockartistry.DynSurround.asm.Transformer CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12- team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer TANLoadingPlugin (ToughAsNails-1.12- toughasnails.asm.transformer.CropDecayTransformer toughasnails.asm.transformer.EntityRendererTransformer toughasnails.asm.transformer.WorldTransformer LoadingPlugin (AdChimneys-1.12.1- com.endertech.minecraft.mods.adchimneys.world.WorldData$BlockRandomTick com.endertech.minecraft.mods.adchimneys.world.WorldData$BlockStateChange DummyPlugin (ForgeEndertech-1.12.1- GL info: ' Vendor: 'NVIDIA Corporation' Version: '4.5.0 NVIDIA 382.05' Renderer: 'GeForce GT 630/PCIe/SSE2' Pulsar/tconstruct loaded Pulses: - TinkerCommons (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerWorld (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerTools (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerHarvestTools (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerMeleeWeapons (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerRangedWeapons (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerModifiers (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerSmeltery (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerGadgets (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerOredict (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerIntegration (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerFluids (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerMaterials (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerModelRegister (Enabled/Forced) - chiselsandbitsIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced) - wailaIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced) List of loaded APIs: * Baubles|API ( from Baubles-1.12-1.5.1.jar * bigreactors|API (4.0.1) from ExtremeReactors-1.12- * BotaniaAPI (88) from Botania r1.10-349.jar * ChiselsAndBitsAPI (13.8.0) from chiselsandbits-14.7.jar * cofhapi (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|block (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|core (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|item (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|tileentity (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|util (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * commoncapabilities|api (0.0.1) from CommonCapabilities-1.12-1.4.0.jar * ctm-api (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-events (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-models (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-textures (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-utils (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * DR-API (1.0.4-Beta) from deepresonance-1.12-1.4.9.jar * DraconicEvolution|API (1.3) from Draconic-Evolution-1.12- * ElecCoreAPI (1.0) from ElecCore-1.12-1.8.430.jar * ElecCore|Abilities (#API_VER#) from ElecCore-1.12-1.8.430.jar * ForestryAPI|apiculture (5.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|arboriculture (4.2.1) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|circuits (3.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|climate (5.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|core (5.2.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|farming (2.2.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|food (1.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|fuels (3.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|genetics (4.7.1) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|greenhouse (5.2.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|hives (4.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|lepidopterology (1.4.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|mail (3.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|multiblock (3.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|recipes (5.4.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|storage (5.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|world (2.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * gendustryAPI (2.3.0) from gendustry- * ImmersiveEngineering|API (1.0) from ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-74.jar * ImmersiveEngineering|ImmersiveFluxAPI (1.0) from ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-74.jar * integrateddynamics|api (0.2.0) from IntegratedDynamics-1.12-0.9.3.jar * journeymap|client-api (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2b1.jar * journeymap|client-api-display (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2b1.jar * journeymap|client-api-event (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2b1.jar * journeymap|client-api-model (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2b1.jar * journeymap|client-api-util (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2b1.jar * JustEnoughItemsAPI (4.13.0) from jei_1.12.1- * mcjtylib_ng (2.4.4) from mcjtylib-1.12-2.4.4.jar * MCX Model Loader (1.0.0) from modelloader-1.0.5.jar * ProjectEAPI (1.9.4-1.0.0) from p455w0rdslib-1.12-2.0.22.jar * reborncoreAPI ( from RebornCore-1.12.2- * reborncoreAPI|Power ( from RebornCore-1.12.2- * reborncoreAPI|Recipe ( from RebornCore-1.12.2- * reborncoreAPI|Tile ( from RebornCore-1.12.2- * stevescartsAPI (${version}) from StevesCarts-1.12.1- * stevescartsAPI|FARMS (${version}) from StevesCarts-1.12.1- * StorageDrawersAPI (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.2.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|event (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.2.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|registry (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.2.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|render (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.2.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|storage (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.2.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.2.jar * techrebornAPI ( from TechReborn-1.12.2- * thut|API (1.0.0) from thutcore-5.11.7.jar * valkyrielib.api (1.12-2.0.1a) from valkyrielib-1.12.X-2.0.4b.jar * WailaAPI (1.3) from Hwyla-1.8.20-B35_1.12.jar * zerocore|API|multiblock (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- * zerocore|API|multiblock|rectangular (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- * zerocore|API|multiblock|tier (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- * zerocore|API|multiblock|validation (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- RebornCore: Plugin Engine: 0 RebornCore Version: Runtime Debofucsation 1 RenderEngine: 0 Launched Version: 1.12.2-forge1.12.2- LWJGL: 2.9.4 OpenGL: GeForce GT 630/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.5.0 NVIDIA 382.05, NVIDIA Corporation GL Caps: Using GL 1.3 multitexturing. Using GL 1.3 texture combiners. Using framebuffer objects because OpenGL 3.0 is supported and separate blending is supported. Shaders are available because OpenGL 2.1 is supported. VBOs are available because OpenGL 1.5 is supported. Using VBOs: Yes Is Modded: Definitely; Client brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Client (map_client.txt) Resource Packs: Current Language: English (US) Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) CPU: 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz